Garden Handouts:
- Top Ten Tips for Vegetable Garden
- Simple Herb Garden
- Simple Salad Garden
- Fresh, Safe, Garden Produce
- Insects in the Garden
- Weeds
- Fall Vegetable Garden Planting Timeline
- Winter Sowing
- Plan a Menu Garden
Lucas County Head Start Garden Toolkit (note: this pdf includes most of the previous handouts above as well as recipes and suggestions for gardening with preschoolers. Although it was originally written for Head Start staff, the information is useful to vegetable gardens in differnt settings and with different ages)
A few resources for Lucas County gardeners:
Horticulture Hotline, 419-578-6783 (April - October, Mondays and Wednesdays, 10am-1pm or leave a message)
Information on Soil testing - OSU Factsheet
Additional Resources:
Fall Vegetable Garden - what seeds to plant in July and August for a fall crop
Northwest Ohio Community Garden Resource Guide
What's in Season? Chart from Ohio Farm Bureau to show what produce is ready for harvest across the spring, summer and fall months.
Bulletins, articles and factsheets:
- Home Vegetable Gardening, from Ohio State University Extension
- Home Vegetable Gardening in Kentucky (note for Ohio growers, the seasonal calendar dates will be different for different growing zones so don’t follow the dates too closely. The rest of the information in this bulletin offers good details and information applicable to growing in all areas)
- Gardening in Small Spaces from University of Kentucky Extension
- Food Safety in Donation Gardens from Iowa State University Extension and Outreach
- Ohio Victory Gardens
- OSU Vegetable and Fruit Gardening FactSheets:
- Ohio Gardeners - Got Questions?
- VegNet Newsletter weekly, seasonal updates for Ohio growers. Written by the Vegetable and Fruit Crops team, some topics might be of interest to vegetable gardeners.
Watch short video clips
- Keeping Your Vegetable Garden Healthy: stake tomatoes, remove suckers and look at plants, Pam Bennett, Horticulture Educator with Ohio State University Extension
- Composting Garden and Lawn Waste, Pam Bennett, Horticulture Educator with Ohio State University Extension