July 15, 2021 - 2:55pm -- powers-barker.1...

It is the time of year when farm stands and vegetable gardens are full of the summer harvest. How do you enjoy your local produce? Whether you are a member of a CSA, grow your own or purchase from a local farmer, we can enjoy it fresh as well as consider the best ways to preserve it to enjoy at other times of the year. We invite you to read Using a Community Supported Agriculture Share to Plan Family Meals for your fresh produce. In addition, you can find information online about home food preservation or attend an in-person class this summer. On Tuesday August 3rd, OSU Extension, Lucas County will present The Basics of Home Food Preservation at the Maumee Branch Library. The same program will be offered 2 times at 10:00 – 11:00 AM and again at 6:00 – 7:00 PM at Maumee Branch Library, 501 River Road.


  • Basic food safety principles
  • What food preservation techniques might work best for you
  • The difference between a water bath canner & a pressure canner
  • Food preservation resources

Questions, please email Patrice at powers-barker.1@osu.edu