July 8, 2024 - 12:03pm -- stone.91@osu.edu

Spotted Lanternfly is becoming evident across the county as 2nd, 3rd and 4th instar nymphs. As of 07.08.2024 we have not had any reports, nor seen any adults, but that will be coming soon.


We are encouraging residents to become familiar with this non-native invasive insect - the spotted lanternfly (SLF), and look for the pest in their own landscapes or places they frequent.


SLF Life Stages

*This photo illustrates multiple generations - nymphs and adults. 


Here is some resources that can be helpful to grow your SLF knowledge: 


Tree of Heaven Tree Identification 

Tree of Heaven is the SLFs favorite host. Here is a link about this non-native invasive plant. 



Host Plant Information 

The spotted lanternfly has been reported feeding on over 103 species of plants, according to new research (Barringer and Ciafre, 2020) and when including not only plants on which the insect feeds, but also those that it will lay egg masses on, this number rises to 172. 



SLF and the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA)



Ohio Pest Reporter, ODA



Great Lakes Early Detection Network Reporting App



SLF Management for Homeowners



SLF Management for Landscape Professionals



SLF Traps



If you have a question, or need additional information about SLF, please reach out to your local county Extension office. In Lucas County you can contact Amy Stone, an Extension Educator, at stone.91@osu.edu or 419-574-0986, or the Horticulture Hotline on Mondays and Wednesdays from 10 am - 1 pm at 419-578-6783.