January 7, 2019 - 9:42am -- stone.91@osu.edu

The OSU Extension Office will once again be part of the Toledo GROWs Seed Swap. This year the event will be held on Saturday, February 23 from 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm at Scott High School. The event has been tagged - the unofficial kick-off to the gardening season. The event is free and open to the public. Each guest will receive 5 tickets to swap for seeds. Gardeners are encouraged to bring seeds that were collected last year. All seeds need to be labelled.

OSU will have information on gardening, upcoming programs and will have the Blender-Bike pedalling up a refreshing a cool snack for guests. Be sure to come out and see us and learn more about all the exciting things happening with OSU Extension in 2019!  #livesmartlucas #growsmartlucas