November 10, 2018 - 10:29am -- powers-barker.1...

OSU Extension, Lucas County is excited to join thousands of families and numerous national organizations to celebrate "Dine In" on Family and Consumer Sciences Day, Decemeber 3rd. Anyone can take the national pledge online to commit to eating together as a family. “Dining In” can be as simple as planning to eat together as a family. Add these other easy steps for local resources as well as being counted as part of the national event (the national event is coordinated by the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences) 

  • Make the pledge to prepare and enjoy a family meal together. To be part of the nationwide celebration, Sign up, yourself and family or your group to dine in on FCS Day, Monday December 3rd, 2018. It's easy to commit to the pledge. For the last question, please indicate "Other: OSU Extension, Lucas County" 
  • Pick up a Kit for Family Meal Planning at OSU Extension, Lucas County.  What tools do you use for planning family meals? You are invited to pick up a free “toolkit” of technology tips, dry erase board for meal planning and additional resources at our horticulture office, 5403 Elmer Drive (at the Toledo Botanical Garden) on:
  • Encourage your friends to pledge. Share your favorite easy recipe! Invite friends and family over to eat together.  
  • Dine In with your family and friends the week of December 3rd. Enjoy! Remember, “Dine In” is designed to be simple. Make the meal easy and fun.
  • Post your Story, Pictures or Menu on Lucas County Extension Facebook for a chance to win a $50 gift certificate to a grocery store or farmers  market in Lucas County Ohio. If you share your photo on social media use the national hashtags #FCSday, #healthyfamselfie and the local hashtag #LiveSmartLucas for chances to win prizes. Follow us on Facebook at Lucas County Extension. 

OSU Extension Lucas County promotes family meals all year long and we are pleased to promote the national Dine In day to celebrate Family & Consumer Sciences on December 3rd, the birthday of Ellen Swallow Richards.