The Manage Your Money E-mail Challenge includes six lessons. Lessons vary in length and can be labor intensive, depending on how organized your records currently are. You are encouraged to use the financial management tools provided, but there is no set time amount required to complete them. YOU determine the amount of time put into this challenge based on interest, availability and your desire to improve your financial well‐being.

As Extension educators, we are not giving financial advice, but sharing educational information as it related to one’s improved financial well‐being. As with any financial management program, we encourage you to talk with your financial advisor.

What's required?  Any adult with an email is welcome to sign up. Although it's not required to print off the material, there are worksheets that help guide you through the steps of making educated decisions about your household budget. It is recommended that you have access to a printer and make copies of the materials that will arrive as an attachment in your weekly emails. There are two emails a week. Some have more worksheets than others and some have links to online resources. 

The Manage Your Money E-mail Challenge is offered during the year in Lucas County. For information on the next scheduled one or to set up an e-mail challenge for your group, please contact Patrice Powers-Barker