OSU Extension Lucas County partners with partners across Northwest Ohio to celebrate Ohio Local Foods Week. (#localfoodsOH)

August is a great time to celebrate Ohio Local Foods Week because of the availability of a wide vareity of Ohio-grown fresh produce. However, we encourage our community partners to purchase and promote local food throughout the year. Even during wintertime, Ohio local food is available. Whether it is fresh produce grown with season extension or baked, canned, frozedn, and dried foods, there are opportunites to enjoy Ohio food throughout the year.

Local Information

August 1-9, 2020 Ohio Local Foods Week. Don't forget! August 8th, Sneak a Zucchini.

Local Foods Challenge- Highlight your local foods purchases, garden harvests, home food preservation, or locally sourced prepared dishes from your kitchen or favorite restaurant.

To follow regional, local food events please like the Lucas County Extension Facebook page (@lucascountyextension) #localfoodsOH

Local Foods Week Resources

Invitation letter to local retailers

Adult Farmers Market Coloring Sheet

Kids Farmers Market Coloring Sheet

Ohio Local Foods Week Event Mark (jpg)

Ohio Local Foods Week event mark