Free Seed Giveaway to Promote Ohio Victory Gardens this Fall

Wednesday, August 12, 2020 - 10:00am to 1:00pm
OSU at Metroparks Toledo - Toledo Botanical Garden
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Contact name:
Amy Kathleen Stone
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ODA and OSU Extension Kick Off Ohio Victory Gardens Program

Free Seed Packets Will Be Available for the Public

REYNOLDSBURG, OH (Aug. 10, 2020) – It’s time to dig in the soil, get your hands dirty, and get growing! Join the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) and Ohio State University Extension as we encourage Ohioans to create their own Victory Gardens.

Victory Gardens originated during World War I, an answer to a severe food shortage at the time. The idea was wildly successful, growing an army of amateur gardeners and serving to boost morale and patriotism. ODA and OSU Extension are reviving the effort and once again encouraging people to plant seeds, realize the fruits of their labor, and share with others if inspired. Advice and resources on every aspect of planting and harvesting produce are available at the Ohio Victory Gardens website.

“At a time when many people are spending more time at home with their families, we saw revitalizing the concept of Victory Gardens as an enjoyable, interactive way to learn about growing your own nutritious food that can be made into meals everyone can enjoy,” said Ohio Department of Agriculture Director Dorothy Pelanda. “This is a great way for anyone to start a new hobby and to have a little fun while learning an important life skill.”

“We are excited to partner with ODA on the Victory Gardens program. Backyard gardens are a great way for families to teach their children where their food comes from, an opportunity to respond to the needs of local food banks, and a way to boost morale across the state,” said Cathann A. Kress, Ohio State vice president for agricultural administration and dean of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. “No matter your level of gardening experience, our OSU Extension educators will provide expertise that will help your gardens thrive.”

Need seeds to get started? No problem! Victory Garden seeds are available through six OSU Extension offices. In Lucas County, seeds can be picked up Monday and Wednesday, from 10 am - 1 pm and Tuesday from 4 pm - 6 pm at the Horticulture Office, 5403 Elmer Drive, Toledo, Ohio 43615 - when entering off of Elmer, follow drive to the first intersection and turn right, and right again. The office will be on the left between the rose garden and the new inclusion garden.