Emerald Ash Borer University: MTE Oak Wilt Management and Control

Thursday, April 8, 2021 - 11:00am to 12:00pm
Virtual, Online
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Contact name:
Amy Stone
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Title: MTE Oak Wilt Management and Control
Speaker: Tommy Stueck III, Forest Health Forester, Menominee Tribal Enterprises
Date: April 8th, 11:00 AM ET
Registration: https://msu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_jPkVS9tmSnmko9ZEdhNt1A
Abstract: Oak wilt is a deadly disease of oaks found throughout the Midwest and into the South. The speaker will cover: Northern Pin Oak Management vs Northern Red Oak Management, Surveying Techniques, Pocket Marking Technique, Oak Wilt ID, Bruhn’s Root Graft Model, Types of Treatments, and Success Rates.