The statewide OSU Extension Food Preservation Team is offering live “Office Hours” events to be held bi-weekly through the end of July. As we expect home food preservation to be a big topic this year, we really want to get people started off right, even if we can’t meet them face-to-face.
Each of these Tuesday sessions will be from 4:00-5:00 pm. Sessions will start with a short presentation and the remainder of the time will be for open Q&A. The presentations will be recorded and posted for those who could not attend live. Please visit for the specific topics, calendar and links to register for each session.
If you have questions about home food preservation in Lucas County, Patrice Powers-Barker is the OSU Extension, Family and Consumer Sciences Educator. Her email is or phone 419-574-0983. The OSU Extension Lucas County website also offers links to videos and other resources related to food preservation at